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Up to now

Up to now

1960-79 - Concentrated on welfare activities by providing relief to those who had been hit hard by natural calamities like, sea erosion and high tide.

1979-90 - Focused on integrated development pro­grammes for targeted population and kept updating with changes pertaining to contemporary social development is­sues. QSSS mobilized people into “Cred­it Unions” and effectively set up linkages with financing institutions for availing Government subsidy for Income Generation Programs.

1990 - 2000 - Focused on women empowerment and community based people’s organisation to harness women power by strengthening credit unions and by bringing women to mainstreams of development paying special atten­tion to fish vending women.

2008 - 2010 - Initiated sustainable development programmes for the fisher folks and livelihood initia­tives for women from the fishing communities. Weather dissemination and forecasting centre, training for value-added fish prod­ucts, EDP and IGP trainings were enabled. Association with CHILDLINE was a major breakthrough.

2010 - 2016 - Concentrat­ed on alternative Livelihood Initiatives. Skill Development Programmes  for the youths were also promoted. Vocational Rehabilita­tion of Paraplegic clients, Shelter home for the protection of women affected by domestic violence and Friends of Coconut Tree (FOCT) were some of the prominent initiatives.Concentrated on Institutional and Right based care.